
NORMAL TIMES: Ventura County is getting back...

NORMAL TIMES: Ventura County is getting back to normal after last week’s earthquake (B1), and so is The Times’ Ventura County Edition. Newswatch is back, the Ventura County Focus pages are back (B2-3), and the front of Section B is again devoted to your part of Ventura County. . . . Businesses in hard-hit Simi Valley may be affected for months (Valley Business, Page 11). . . . Bright side: “Tragic as the earthquake was,” Cal Lutheran economist Jamshid Damooei said, “it could mark the beginning of a long-term business improvement.”

SOCCER BOOST: Oxnard College is by far the smallest of Ventura County’s three community colleges. But it will take a big leap in prestige this week with the expected announcement of its selection as training site for Cameroon’s World Cup soccer team. . . . “To say we are excited is an understatement,” said college spokeswoman Barbara Gilmore. . . . The west African nation will send 35 players, trainers and coaches. . . . In 1990, Cameroon shocked defending champs Argentina and then Colombia, but lost to England in the quarterfinals.

ON TRIAL: It has been 20 months since he was arrested in Hollywood, his car allegedly littered with $10,000 in small bills and traces of cocaine. Now opening statements have begun in Father David Piroli’s trial (B1). . . . Piroli is accused of stealing $60,000 from churches in Simi Valley and Saticoy, but a few parishioners believe in him so strongly that they have put up his bail.


CHANGING CHANNELS: Ojai’s Scott Bakula starred for 4 1/2 seasons on NBC’s “Quantum Leap,” then became a recurring character on CBS’s “Murphy Brown.” Soon he’ll pop up on ABC in “State of Terror,” a movie being filmed in Vancouver. . . . Sounds like a docudrama on the earthquake, but it’s a thriller about a woman who learns the mob is out to kill her. . . . Speaking of network-hopping, John Madden will definitely be broadcasting Fox’s NFL games next season (C4). . . . Madden’s paycheck: $365,000 per game.
