
APLA Nets $211,000

AIDS Project Los Angeles’ Necessities of Life Program, which provides groceries and nutritional counseling to AIDS patients, will benefit from the $211,000 netted at a three-day fund-raiser Jan. 7-9 at the Embassy Theatre. The Southland Theatre Artists Goodwill Event (STAGE) featured performances by Lucie Arnaz, Betty Garrett, Loretta Devine, Brian L. Green and others.


T.J. Martell Foundation for Leukemia, Cancer and AIDS Research received $25,000 raised at the Jan. 15 MTV Rock ‘n’ Jock Softball Challenge held at Blair Field in Long Beach.


John Douglas French Center for Alzheimer’s Disease will receive about $20,000 raised at a New Year’s Eve gala at the Hyatt Regency in Long Beach. The benefit was sponsored by Friends of Caregivers.



Dream Street Foundation raised $35,000 at a preview performance of “Sunset Blvd.” at the Shubert Theatre on Dec. 7. Proceeds will go to camping programs for children who have life-threatening illnesses.


Venice Family Clinic won a $17,000 cash prize in the second annual American Healthcare Systems Cares Award competition in Phoenix on Jan. 10. AmHS honors organizations that serve the medically disadvantaged. The clinic annually provides medical care to 50,000 homeless children and adults.


Vistas for Blind Children announced receipt of $26,000 to benefit blind and partially sighted children and their families in the Los Angeles area. The money was raised at a fashion show and boutique fund-raiser.



Inner-City Arts raised $67,000 at its annual fund-raiser Dec. 7 at Hotel Inter-Continental. Proceeds will go to operational expenses and renovation at the group’s new headquarters at 720 S. Kohler St.


Malibu Disaster Fund, Mountains Conservancy Foundation and the L.A. County Firefighters Memorial Fund will share $37,000 raised at a benefit hosted by Wolfgang Puck and Barbara Lazaroff at their Granita Restaurant in Malibu on Dec. 12.
