
A Shake-Up Is Good, but God Doesn’t Control Earthquakes

Re: “Quake a Sign of God’s Wrath, Clergy Say No” (Jan. 24):

If it takes an earthquake or two to awaken people to the reality of God and all the associated mumbo jumbo, then it’s a plus. Such shock therapy may help people grow up. It should be abundantly clear by now to all that there is no God up there directing quakes or fires or floods, etc. It is simply the way the Earth is made.

Study geology, physics or civil engineering if you want to know. God has nothing to do with it. The notion that God has control of such things is infantile. If one, whatever his faith, is at the right place and the right time, he will be hit. Promoting infantile ideas of heaven and hell may be OK for kids who want simple, quick answers but it does no good for adult citizens of a democracy who are trying to understand and manage their own affairs.


Santa Barbara
