
Insults Not Needed

There’s an old saying in politics that says, “If you can’t attack an issue on its merits, then attack the messenger.”

That’s exactly what Oxnard Councilman Mike Plisky did when discussing the proposal to consolidate the Oxnard police and fire departments.

Plisky has attacked the president of the Oxnard Fire Fighters Assn. (who happens to be my husband) for undertaking a door-to-door and telephone campaign to help educate the public about what the proposal means to the safety of Oxnard residents.


Then, at the council meeting, Mr. Plisky insulted a very articulate woman who posed questions to the council about the proposal. When she inquired about costs, Plisky said she had been “fed” information and suggested she come back when she had facts.

To her credit, the woman maintained her composure in the face of Plisky’s insult. I was incensed. Here was an intelligent and articulate woman who asked legitimate questions and was treated as if she were a mindless sheep.

Maybe Mr. Plisky has been a council member for so long he has forgotten that the people put him there to represent them. Listen to the people, Mike. Don’t insult them.



