
DRS”Gangsta Lean” Capitol* Hard-core rap balladeers should...


“Gangsta Lean”



Hard-core rap balladeers should be a contradiction in terms, but unfortunately, DRS--an acronym for dirty rotten scoundrels--is serious. Lyrically and musically, the production of this Sacramento-based group’s debut album rings false.

They’re attempting to be a hard-core equivalent of Boyz II Men, but they don’t have any of that Philadelphia quartet’s sincerity. And ultimately the likes of a promise to tip a 40-ounce malt liquor in tribute to a dead homie ends up trivializing such serious issues as gang violence. (See Pop Faces, Page 54.)

New albums are rated on a scale of one star (poor), two stars (fair), three stars (good) and four stars (excellent).


* Times Link 808-8463

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