
A summary of selected City Hall actions this past week affecting Central Los Angeles.


* BIKE LANES: Approved the use of $1.28 million in funding from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority for several new bike lanes. Two of the lanes will be in Watts and Highland Park, although the exact locations have yet to be determined.

* ESTRADA COURTS: Approved a motion by Councilman Richard Alatorre to increase by $27,000 the funding of the Catholic Charities/Soledad Enrichment Agency so it can continue providing family retreats, youth counseling, parent education and field trips for residents of the 414-unit Estrada Courts housing project and the neighboring Wyvern Wood Apartments in Boyle Heights.

* STREET CLOSURE: Approved the closure of the northbound lanes of Hope Street between Temple and 1st streets, from noon to 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 21, during a free dress-rehearsal performance of Madame Butterfly at the Music Center for 2,500 senior citizens.


* FEES FOR DODGER BANNERS: Approved a proposal by Councilman Mike Hernandez waiving $1,000 in permit fees for the Los Angeles Dodgers to display banners throughout the city.


How South-Central and Eastside City Council representatives voted on selected issues. * BROADWAY BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT: Approved a resolution establishing a Broadway Business Improvement District from 2nd to 9th streets. Highlights of the program include the assignment of foot patrols of RTD police and private security guards, improved trash pickup, an anti-graffiti program, sidewalk cleaning, and such promotions as a waiter’s race along the street and a Christmas festival of lights and street decorations. Funding for this program will come primarily from a benefit assessment on businesses in the area. Several business people have protested this fee. Passed 13-1. Voting yes: Alatorre, Hernandez, Mark Ridley-Thomas, Jackie Goldberg and Rudy Svorinich Jr. Voting no: Nate Holden. Absent: Rita Walters.

* TRASH FEE EXEMPTION: Approved an ordinance to exempt the $6-a-month trash collection fee for single-family dwellings on streets too narrow for garbage trucks. These dwellings had been billed for the fee even though their trash was not being picked up. Passed 14-0. Voting yes: Alatorre, Hernandez, Ridley-Thomas, Walters, Holden, Goldberg and Svorinich.
