
Readers Recommend

Australia--Mrs. William Griffin, Sierra Madre: “Blue Bell Inn, 26 Somerville St., Sorell, Tasmania 7172 (011-61-02-652-804). Historic building with antiques and a big garden. Excellent dinners. Ten minutes from Hobart Airport.” Rates start about $35.

California--John and Irene Thomas, Bakersfield: “Orchard Inn Guest House, P.O. Box 982, Willow Creek 95573 (916-629-3744). Delightful. Close to fishing and golf.” Rates: $85 per night, double occupancy.

Guatemala--Mrs. Delbert Wong, Los Angeles: “The Cloister B&B;, 5A Avenida Norte 23, Antigua (011-502-9-320712). A charming B&B; owned by American Barbara Leaver. Well located, two blocks from Central Plaza and walking distance from restaurants. American-Guatemalan breakfast served.” Rates: $55 for a double.
