
College District May Face $250,000 Deficit

Ventura County’s community college district may have to find up to $250,000 in its yearly budget to make up a possible deficit in state funding, officials said.

Trustees of the Ventura County Community College District set aside $500,000 last fall in a reserve fund, anticipating that the state’s property tax projections might be too optimistic and that state education officials could reduce the district’s spring appropriations to make up the difference.

Estimates from the state community college chancellor’s office, however, show that the state may cut as much as $750,000 as a result of lower-than-planned property tax revenue, district officials said.


“We would not advise district trustees to take the money from our reserves but rather, go to adjustments from our budget,” said Jeff Marsee, the district’s vice chancellor for administrative services.

The district’s five trustees ultimately make the decision on where the money to make up the deficit would come from, but Marsee said administrators would suggest cutting supply budgets and freezing open positions.
