
THOUSAND OAKS : Official Wants Site for Transit Center

Eyeing a parcel near the Civic Arts Plaza as a site for a regional transportation center, Thousand Oaks’ director of public works will ask the City Council on Tuesday to consider purchasing the land.

The 2.3-acre lot, on the southwest corner of Thousand Oaks Boulevard and Oakwood Drive, could be used as a transportation center for the entire Conejo Valley, according to a memo written by Public Works Director Donald Nelson.

The site could accommodate terminals for Greyhound, the Great American Stageline, Thousand Oaks Transit and countywide buses and could offer passengers sheltered benches and a central ticket counter, Nelson suggested.


“A transportation center has perpetually been on the council’s list of goals,” Councilman Frank Schillo said. “The problem was, we never had any land. Having it on Thousand Oaks Boulevard would be ideal.”

Schillo said he could not estimate how much the land might cost or how expensive a transportation center might be. But he pledged to work with the county Transportation Commission to secure funding.

“One good thing that came out of earthquake is that we see the need for public transportation, having multiple people in cars and getting people off the freeway,” Schillo said.


“We’re going to have to do something.”

The council will decide Tuesday whether to direct staff to begin negotiating for the property.
