
SOUTH-CENTRAL : Youth Center Opens in Bigger Facility

Additional classrooms and a library are among the new features at the Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Center, which recently moved to 9106 S. Western Ave.

The center, established in 1990, provides free tutoring and other after-school activities for youths 8 to 18. The new facility features three more classrooms, a library and additional office space, said Myrtle Faye Rumph, founder of the center.

“This means we can have our classes uninterrupted,” Rumph said. “Before, we only had one classroom and people had to walk through it.”


The 6,125-square-foot facility will allow the center to increase the number of youths in the program, said Alyssa Shepherd, spokeswoman for the center. “We have twice the space to work with kids now,” she said.

The center moved to its new location in November, but did not open until last month because the building was being refurbished.

Information: (213) 756-7203.
