
Murder Sentence for Rape Suspect

* The circumstances regarding (Jose Alonso) Garcia’s life (“Rape Stole Victim’s Will to Live, Prosecutors Say,” Jan. 23) don’t matter to me. What he did was wrong. He quite simply broke the law. I find it unfortunate that the victim, Mary Ward, died only a month after the assault. However, this event isn’t directly related to the case. The defendant should be tried for his transgression and punished accordingly. My concern is will the punishment fit the crime? The answer is ultimately “no.”

I want Garcia to be tried for murder because the sentence he would receive for rape does not fit the crime he committed while the punishment for murder does. This is the reason why I and so many others like me cheer at “Dirty Harry” and “Die Hard” movies when the bad guy is blown away. I am an average American citizen. I believe in and support this country, but too often these days I feel trapped between political correctness and criminal rights. Whatever happened to justice?

So, if a burglar steals a treasured heirloom and the owner becomes depressed and sad and later dies, I do consider it murder. Until the sentence is swift and sincere enough to be regarded as a deterrent and an actual punishment or until rehabilitation really works, I say we charge the defendant with as much as possible while we have the opportunity. Let’s protect and spare family, friends and neighbors from the same possible tragedies.



