
Government Can Take Steps to Hasten Recovery

* Along with thousands of our fellow San Fernando Valley residents, my family suffered loss and destruction in the recent earthquake. It will take tremendous effort to put our home and our lives back together again, but I am proud to be an Angeleno as we now pull together to rebuild our city.

I was also, until recently, California’s state director of planning and research. The office I headed was responsible for many of the proposals to streamline state permitting and regulatory procedures, and for designing small-business tax incentives. I believe there are immediate steps that both the state and federal governments can take to speed our rebuilding efforts in Southern California:

* Enact legislation providing for tax credits for out-of-pocket earthquake losses not covered by insurance. Many people who have lost their homes have no earthquake insurance, or have very high deductibles.


* Provide emergency, expedited permitting and regulatory relief to allow businesses to rebuild or relocate as quickly as possible in order to get the local economy back up and running. Slow permitting processes and fear of environmental liability under federal laws have left some facilities damaged or even unused.

It is essential that we get California families and businesses back on their feet as quickly as possible. Government needs to help us rebuild our jobs and homes. I call on all our elected leaders to move quickly.


Woodland Hills
