
Disaster Preparedness

* Mike Davis, in his column “The Charade of Preparedness” (Opinion, Jan. 23), questions why we cannot have a “pro-active network for disaster response.” Fortunately for Davis and Los Angeles there is already in place a tremendous program sponsored by the Los Angeles Fire Department which responds to this need.

For some five years the LAFD has been training civilian “emergency response teams” in both communities and office buildings. A seven-week program, modeled after the Fire Department’s own protocols, provides training in fire suppression, medical triage and search and rescue.

However, to the frustration of everyone involved, funds for the program have been severely cut, reducing the program to essentially two refresher training sessions per year and only for those who have previously completed the training. It is easy to see why this long-range program is a target for budget trimming in our shortsighted society, yet we see from the Northridge quake the absolute necessity of not only continuing this program but expanding its activities.


Living with the danger of earthquakes, we all must realize that preparation never stops. Davis calls for action and he is right, just in case there is a next time.


Team Leader

North Westdale ERT

Los Angeles
