
Homeless Shelter: Quake Damage and West Hollywood City Council’s Actions

How fortunate West Hollywood was in having only three buildings suffer major damage during the earthquake. One of the three was West Hollywood’s homeless shelter on La Brea Avenue. Approximately four years ago the majority of the City Council approved leasing this old, run-down warehouse at $12,000 per month for 10 years. We are currently paying around $20,000 per month since the lessee defaulted on his payments. So we are stuck with $20,000 per month on a building we DON’T OWN.

So far we have poured millions of dollars into this building for operations and making it earthquake-safe. It is impossible to acquire exact figures from the city since it is another of their dark secrets.

The day after the quake the building was declared unsafe, and a red sign placed on the building says, “This structure has been seriously damaged and unsafe. Entry may result in death.” The director of the shelter made the statement that the money was well-spent since no one was hurt. But . . . how could all this damage take place after so much money was spent making it earthquake-safe? Just ask the city where did the money go? A complete investigation needs to be made NOW.


Don’t you think West Hollywood needs a change when the council majority continues causing millions of dollars to go down the drain? Remember this incident and all the others when you go to the polls in April.

Councilman John Heilman is up for reelection. He approved this Mickey Mouse lease on the homeless shelter even though residents were against this, saying we need a hospice for West Hollywood residents with AIDS instead of a shelter that would not guarantee that it would be for West Hollywood residents. Mayor Sal Guariello raised a series of concerns over this project, but as usual John Heilman’s council overruled him.

It is time for change. . . . We need a responsible council that listens to the public.


West Hollywood
