
REEL WORLD: Actors need to have thick...

REEL WORLD: Actors need to have thick skin, even the young ones. . . . Orange County’s Austin O’Brien, 12, was Arnold Schwarzenegger’s co-star in last summer’s box office dud, “Last Action Hero.” Now Austin’s been nominated for a “Razzie” as “worst new star” from the Golden Raspberry Foundation. It annually picks a film clinkers list. . . . Austin may be too busy with his movie career to worry--he has a major part in “My Girl 2,” which opens at theaters here today.

HAND BITING? Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Newport Beach) opposes President Clinton’s health care plan, stating that it “makes no sense.” But Clinton didn’t take it personally. He appointed Cox on Thursday to a mammoth, bipartisan commission on government entitlement reform. . . . The President said he wanted results “thought-provoking and significant.” Cox’s thought: The Clinton health care plan would “create the largest new entitlement program in American history.”

RENT NOTICE: For 20 years, Brea’s Beautification and Environmental Committee has awarded “House of the Month” honors to chosen residents who keep their property pristine. So what’s so unusual about the latest recipients, Jose and Martha Barrios? They don’t own a house. They rent . . . . “I never would have thought the city would give us something like this,” says Jose Barrios, who nurtures fruit trees, roses and huge, colorful flower beds at their home. No renters in the city had ever won before.


NO BULL: Maybe Orange County isn’t so urbane after all. As a graduation night fund-raiser, Costa Mesa High School will offer “Bovine Bingo” on Feb. 26. . . . For $5, you can buy one of 1,000 divided blocks of turf on the school’s football field. A well-fed cow will be led around the field until he decides which block to bless with fertilizer. If it’s yours, you’ll win $1,000. Says one organizer, Bill Loyko: “It could be done in five minutes, or we could be walking the cow for hours.”
