

Located little more than a mile from the epicenter of the deadly Jan. 17 temblor, the nearly 38-year-old campus of Cal State Northridge suffered significant damage in the 6.8-magnitude earthquake and subsequent aftershocks. Among the structures most severely affected were an $11.3-million student parking structure that collapsed and the university’s Oviatt Library and Fine Arts building, both of which suffered serious structural damage. The final damage estimate has yet to be determined, but CSUN administrators have placed the figure between $250 million and $350 million.

Students will begin returning to campus Monday for the start of the spring semester--two weeks later than originally scheduled. Work to reopen the university has proceeded at a breakneck pace since the quake, but because of the damage to major buildings, classes will be held at numerous off-campus sites and in about 350 portable classrooms clustered across campus. “We’re laying out an entire new city,” said CSUN spokesman Bruce Erickson.

Finding Your Way

Though classes will resume Monday, students and staff should expect significant changes in campus operations, including the loss of several major buildings and some 5,500 parking spaces. Administrators have said, however, that no classes have been canceled and that many student services will be available in their usual locations. Below is a guide to the post-quake campus:


Modular classrooms: Many classes and university services will be available in approximately 350 “modulars” arranged in 10 formations across campus. Modular room numbers will be indicated on the revised class schedule using the following notations: A. Zelzah Court, ZC-1500 B. Halsted Houses, HH-1100 C. Student Services, SS-1200 D. Lindley Avenue, LA-1300, 1400 E. Admin Park, ADM-700 F. Engineering Field, EF-600 G. Prairie Street, PS-400 H. Science 5, SC-500 I. Art Annex, AA-100 J. Music Lawn, ML-200

Information stations: Revised class schedules, maps and other campus information will be available at each of these 22 locations scattered across campus.

Parking: Students are encouraged to park in lots A, B, O and P. Faculty and staff are encouraged to park in lots B, E, G and J. Permits will not be required until Feb. 28 and daily parking updates will be available at each of the campus information stations.


Radio updates: Campus radio station KCSN 88.5 FM will provide daily updates at 12:30 and 4:30 p.m.

Bookstore: The Matador Bookstore is currently open and should have all books needed for classes. Hours: Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Information: (818) 885-2931.

Library services: An hourly shuttle will be available between CSUN and UCLA, which has opened their library to CSUN students.


Damage Report

Below are the preliminary findings of a report issued Thursday, following campuswide inspections conducted in the weeks following the Jan. 17 quake. Also included where available is the year each structure was opened. Buildings reviewed by structural engineers have been labeled according to the following system: green, no entry restrictions; yellow, limited entry; and red, no entry. CSUN officials acknowledge that continuing inspections may reveal additional damage. 1. University Village Apartments: Green; structurally stable; returned to use 2. University Tower Apartments: Red; closed prior to earthquake; not yet inspected 3. Satellite Student Union: 1992, Green; limited use of single-story portion; scheduled for use beginning Monday; two-story portion closed

University Park Apartments: Significant equipment damage and disruption of non-bearing walls in all units 4. Chanterelle Hall: Green 5. Charragheen Hall: Yellow 6. Woodruff Hall: Green 7. Burdock Hall: Green 8. Southernwood Hall: Green 9. Pacific Willow Hall: Green 10. Torrey Pine Hall: Green 11. Bayberry Hall: Green 12. Pinon Hall: Green 13. Valley Oak Hall: Green 14. Lupin Hall: Green 15. Saguaro Hall: Yellow 16. Heather Hall: Green 17. Rosecrown Hall: Green 18. Bougainvillea Hall: Green 19. University Park Apartments parking structure: Green; structurally stable; scheduled for use beginning Monday

All buildings along Plummer, Halsted, Etiwanda and Lindley Streets, including the Asian-American Studies Center, Black House, Chicano Cultural Center, Children’s Center, preschool and Women’s Center have been declared structurally stable; the following buildings are green-tagged: Engineering Annex and Garage, Center for Public Archaeology, Chicano Cultural Center, Women’s Center and Trust Fund Operations; Recreation House/Fitness Center is yellow-tagged 20. Art and Design Center: 1983, Green; structurally stable; scheduled for use beginning Monday 21. Business and Education Complex: under construction, Green; minor damage to electrical system 22. Health Science Complex: Green; structurally stable 23. Bank Building (Building B): 1979, Green; structurally stable; scheduled for use beginning Monday 24. Engineering: 1965 with an addition under construction, Green; building closed due to asbestos contamination; additional inspection and clean-up required 25. Physical Education: 1962, Green; structurally stable; equipment dislodged onto main gymnasium floor; scheduled for use beginning Monday 26. Athletics Office: Green; structurally stable; minimal interior damage; scheduled for use beginning Monday 27. Parking Structure C: 1991, Destroyed by Jan. 17 temblor and subsequent aftershocks 28. Administration: 1964, Yellow; closed due to loss of structural integrity in east exterior walls on third and fourth floors; significant equipment damage and disruption of non-bearing walls; water from roof cooler flooded all floors following aftershock 29. Oviatt Library: 1973 and 1991, Red; closed indefinitely; significant damage to vertical steel frame supports and exterior damage to roof; asbestos contamination; most of books stored on open shelves knocked to the floor; damage to automated retrieval system unknown 30. Buildings T and S: 1970, Green; structurally stable; scheduled for use beginning Monday 31. Building O: 1980, Green; structurally stable; scheduled for use beginning Monday 32. University Student Union: 1977, Green; use limited to authorized areas only; Northridge Center theater red-tagged and closed indefinitely pending additional inspection; serious structural deficiencies in theater roof; open sections scheduled for use beginning Monday 33. Sierra North: 1963, Green; structurally stable 34. Sierra Tower: 1963, Yellow; structurally stable; closed; south stairwell being removed 35. Sierra South: 1964, Green; structurally stable; closed 36. Science Complex: 1960 and 1991, All four buildings yellow-tagged; Science 2 structurally unsound; Science 1, 3 and 4 structurally stable; chemical and biological contamination present; fire damage to Science 1, 2 and 3; pedestrian bridges between Science 3 and 4 removed 37. Student Health Center: Green; structurally stable; scheduled for use beginning Monday 38. Fine Arts: 1963, East building red-tagged; all other buildings yellow-tagged; complex closed indefinitely; structurally unstable; column failure along north wall 39. South Library: 1959, Yellow; closed indefinitely; structurally unstable; significant equipment damage and disruption of non-bearing and sheer walls 40. Faculty Office Building: 1984, Green; structurally stable 41. Matador Bookstore and Financial Aid Office: 1960 and 1992, Green; northwest portion of building addition shows signs of structural damage; south free-standing metal walkway closed; bookstore opened Feb. 7; financial aid office scheduled for use beginning Monday 42. Chisholm Hall: 1980, Green; structurally stable; scheduled for use beginning Monday 43. Speech-Drama: 1960, Red; closed; structurally stable; theaters require additional inspection 44. Music: 1960, North building green-tagged; south building yellow-tagged; both structurally stable; grating beneath pedestrian bridges to be removed 45. University Club: 1974, Green; structurally stable; scheduled for use beginning Monday 46. Monterey Hall: 1968 Green; structurally stable

Off-Campus Classroom Sites

Some classes will be held at the following off-campus loscations: Balboa Boulevard Elementary School: 17020 Labrador St., Northridge. (818) 349-4801. Cal Lutheran University: 60 West Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks. (805) 492-2411. Calabash Street Elementary School: 23055 Eugene St., Woodland Hills. (818) 224-4430. Calahan Street Elementary School: 18722 Knapp St., Northridge. (818) 886-4612. Chatsworth High School: 10027 Lurline Ave., Chatsworth. (818) 341-6211. Dearborn Street Elementary School: 9240 Wish Ave., Northridge. (818) 349-4381. Germain Street Elementary School: 20730 Germain St., Chatsworth. (818) 341-5821. Glendale City College: 1500 N. Verdugo Road, Glendale. (818) 240-1000. KMGX (radio station): 14800 Lassen St., Mission Hills. (818) 894-9191. Lanai Road Elementary School: 4241 Lanai Road, Encino. (818) 788-1590. Los Angeles City College: 855 N. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles. (213) 669-4000. Los Angeles Unified School District offices: 450 N. Grand Ave., Los Angeles. (213) 625-6000. Mission College: 13356 Eldridge Ave., Sylmar. (818) 364-7600. Nevada Avenue Elementary School: 22120 Chase St., Canoga Park. (818) 348-2169. Pierce College: 6201 Winnetka Ave., Woodland Hills. (818) 347-0551. Rancho San Antonio Boys Town of the West: 21000 Plummer St., Chatsworth. (818) 882-6400. San Fernando High School: 11133 O’Melveny Ave., San Fernando. (818) 365-1121. Seventh-day Adventist Church: 17700 Plummer St., Northridge. (818) 349-8770. Sylvan Park Elementary School: 6238 Noble Ave., Van Nuys. (818) 988-4020. Topeka Drive Elementary School: 9815 Topeka Dr., Northridge. (818) 886-2266. UCLA: 405 Hilgard Ave., Westwood. (310) 825-4321. University of Phoenix-Los Angeles Learning Center: 15400 Sherman Way, Van Nuys. (818) 780-2299. Valley College: 5800 Fulton Ave., Van Nuys. (818) 781-1200. Valley Presbyterian Hospital: 15107 Vanowen St., Van Nuys. (818) 782-6600. Van Nuys High School: 6535 Cedros Ave., Van Nuys. (818) 781-2371.

Source: Cal State Northridge

