
A summary of significant Los Angeles City Hall decisions affecting the Westside in the last week.


* LICENSED CONTRACTORS: Approved a motion authorizing the Department of Building and Safety to publicize its little-known Certified Licensed Contractor Program. Under this program, electrical, plumbing, roofing and other contractors would be tested to certify their ability to do work that complies with city codes. The campaign will stress that licensed contractors certified under this program can provide quality work and save homeowners time and money because they know code requirements.

* NOISE CONTROL: Approved a motion that would temporarily suspend the city’s noise control ordinance within a one-mile radius of the Santa Monica Freeway so Caltrans can work around-the-clock if necessary to repair earthquake-damaged sections of the freeway. The goal is to finish reconstruction by the end of June.

* HELIPORT: Approved a permit to allow the continued use of a heliport on the roof of the Hughes Aircraft corporate headquarters at 7200 Hughes Terrace. The nearest residential properties are located approximately 750 feet away.



* PARKING METER SLUGS: Approved an ordinance that would fine users of illegal tokens in parking meters the cost of repairing the meter if it was damaged. Costs to repair a meter range from $50 to $300. Councilwoman Jackie Goldberg argued against the original ordinance that called for mandatory jail time, not to exceed five days, saying it would exacerbate the problem of already overcrowded jails. Passed 9-6.

Voting yes: John Ferraro, Zev Yaroslavsky, Ruth Galanter, Jackie Goldberg.

Voting no: Marvin Braude, Mark Ridley-Thomas, Nate Holden.
