
Foster Children

* It’s about time Los Angeles addressed the plight of foster kids who “graduate” from the foster care system (“Homelessness Antidote for Foster Kids,” editorial, Jan. 31).

Unfortunately, our streets are crowded with homeless kids. Some of them “graduated” or left the foster care system, others fled abusive and dangerous home lives. Most kids do not have the wherewithal at 18 to make it on their own. We must help them help themselves.

In addition to its reputation for earthquakes, fires and mudslides, California holds the distinction of being the destination of choice for 25% of America’s homeless children. Through public and private efforts, we can ensure this generation of children will have a chance at achieving the American dream.


FRED ALI, Executive Director

Covenant House, Hollywood

* So now the county is going to attempt to provide jobs for foster care “graduates.” Wouldn’t it be better to help get them adopted whenever possible before they reach 18? After 10 years of trying unsuccessfully to adopt an older child from Los Angeles County, we finally went out of state and, in less than two months adopted a 9-year-old boy. Furthermore, we were told we could have others.


La Canada Flintridge
