
Street Lingo

The upswing in drug use by teen-agers has brought new terms, Los Angeles high school students say. Here are some of today’s most common words and phrases.


Blunt: A hollowed-out cigar filled with marijuana.

Bud: Current popular nickname for marijuana. Others are “endo” and “boom.”

Chronic: Marijuana mixed with crushed rock cocaine. Can be smoked in cigarette form or with a pipe. Also known as “primo.”

Dime Bag: $10 worth of marijuana, enough for three to five joints.

DP: Ditching party; students cut class to smoke marijuana.

Dust: Marijuana mixed with various chemicals, including PCP. Can be smoked in cigarette form or with a pipe.


Fiend: Someone who smokes marijuana alone.

Frios: Marijuana dipped in PCP. Also called “lovelies.”

HP: House party with alcohol and drugs.

J: A joint.

Nickel Bag or Nick: $5 worth of marijuana; enough for one or two joints.

Shroom: A psychotropic mushroom.

Smoke-out: To get high. Also: “get lifted,” “razed,” “booted,” “red.”

Tab: Tiny LSD-soaked bit of paper.
