
Santa Clarita / Antelope Valley : Palmdale Hires City Attorney in Cost-Saving Move

The city of Palmdale, which has been using a Los Angeles law firm for legal services, has hired its first city attorney saying the move will save money.

Angil Jones, who has been city attorney in Turlock since 1989, will assume that office in Palmdale beginning April 1. Her annual salary will be $98,500.

“We feel the day-to-day presence of a city attorney will greatly benefit city operations,” Mayor Jim Ledford said in a prepared statement. “We have been studying the costs of outside legal services for the past two years and have analyzed a five-year breakdown of legal billings. We feel the city will save money with an in-house attorney.”


Jones, who grew up in South-Central Los Angeles, attended Immaculate Heart College and Loyola University School of Law. During her 18-year career as a lawyer, she has served as senior deputy county counsel in Fresno and chief deputy county counsel in Merced.
