
OJAI : Fund-Raising Bingo Games at School OKd

Ojai officials have granted the Ojai Unified School District permission to hold bingo games at Nordhoff High School to raise money for programs officials worry might not be funded in the future.

Under an existing city ordinance, the school district requires a permit from the City Council to run the games, which are tentatively planned Wednesday nights beginning April 20 in the school cafeteria.

Council members approved the permit request as a consent agenda item, meaning that there was no public discussion before the vote, which was unanimous.


School officials say the plan could generate up to $100,000 a year for computer, art, athletic and other programs that are perennially jeopardized by state funding cuts.

“We found out that over 12 high schools in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties use bingo as a fund-raiser,” said Craig Walker, a Nordhoff High computer education instructor who helped propose the plan. “If you do it right, you might be able to make between $75,000 and $100,000 a year.”

School district trustees have already granted tentative approval for the weekly games, which would have a maximum payout of $250. The board will consider final approval next month, officials said.


Walker said there is an existing market for bingo games, and that weekly games in Oak View typically draw as many as 200 people. He said there were no mixed messages being sent to students who reap the benefits of a game of chance.

“It is a little different from gambling because there is a fixed payout,” he said. “It isn’t exactly the same as setting up a card room or a roulette wheel. We rely on lottery money on a statewide level right now.”
