
Campaign Calendar

Upcoming Events

Today: Republican 24th Congressional District candidate Robert Hammer will speak at the Ojai Republican Women’s Club Federated at 11:30 a.m. at the Silver Garden Restaurant in Ojai. For information, call 499-8548.

Saturday: The Hammer for Congress campaign will hold a $50-a-plate fund-raising brunch from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Dockside Terrace, Westlake Village. Call (818) 348-0212 for reservations.

Sunday: Thousand Oaks City Councilman Frank Schillo will kick off his campaign for the Ventura County Board of Supervisors’ 2nd District with a fund-raising rally at the Dover and Hendrix Community Center in Thousand Oaks. The $15-per-person event, which will include light refreshments, will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Call 495-1269 for information.


Monday: Mark Boos Benhard, Republican candidate in the 24th Congressional District, will attend the first in a series of open house for voters at the homes of supporters. Monday’s meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Charles Mills, 22737 Ia Lane, Woodland Hills, phone (818) 222-6455 or (818) 226-6829.

Wednesday: Benhard will attend an open house at 7 p.m. at the home of Nola Dawson. Call (818) 226-6829 for the address and information.

Thursday: Simi Valley City Councilwoman Barbara Williamson, who is running for the 4th District seat on the Ventura County Board of Supervisors, will celebrate the opening of her campaign headquarters with a “Bring the Family” event featuring refreshments and conversation at 3200 E. Los Angeles Ave., Suite 6, Simi Valley. The free event will be held from 5 to 7:30 p.m. For information, call 251-7753.


Fax Campaign Calendar submissions to 658-5576 or mail to 5200 Valentine Road, Suite 140, Ventura 93003. Please include contact person and telephone number.
