
MISSION VIEJO : Medical Career Scholarships Offered

Local high school seniors who are interested in a career healing people or animals may apply for about $38,500 in college scholarships that will be awarded this year to students pursuing a medical profession.

South County students can pick up applications, beginning March 1, in the office of their guidance counselor and must return them to school no later than April 1.

The scholarships are funded by the Mission Hospital Regional Medical Center’s volunteer group through the sale of goods in the hospital gift shop. Donations also come from doctors, memorial gifts and contributions from the public. Depending on donations, sponsors say they may award more than $38,500.


About 60 students applied to the fund last year. Students are allowed to reapply through their first four years of college. Almost half of last year’s applications came from previous scholarship winners, said Erma Thomas, chairwoman of the Auxiliary of Mission Hospital Regional Medical Center.

The fund has helped young people interested in all areas of medicine since 1973, Thomas said.

“It’s for students who also want to become nurses, physical therapists and even veterinarians,” she said. “We just want to help needy and deserving students who are looking to go into the medical field.”


Applicants need at least a 3.5 grade-point average. Grades make up about 70% of what judges are looking for in scholarship winners, with financial need and outside interests also considered, Thomas said.

Anyone with questions about the scholarship program or those interested in making a donation can call (714) 364-1883.
