
Behind the Scenes : Pacific Symphony Supporters Put on Red, Gold at Ritz to Aid Young Musicians

In the tradition of Chinese New Year celebrations, 110 supporters of the Pacific Symphony Orchestra wore red- and gold-colored cocktail attire to the Ritz in Newport Beach Sunday.

Red and gold symbolize prosperity and good luck, which is what everyone wishes for in a new year, said Arlene Cheng, president of the Chinese-American League of the Pacific Symphony Orchestra. She added that unmarried people in China parade under the moon in their finest clothing to lure a spouse during the lunar festival.

At the Ritz, the rich colors were combined in a custom caftan worn by Margaret Quon and sported on George Schopick’s tasseled hat, which he found in Xi’an, China, two years ago. Tradition states that the hat’s bamboo print represents “life everlasting.”


The fund-raiser benefits the annual Showcase of Young Musicians at the Irvine Barclay April 24, which honors performers age 14 to 21.
