
Mahony’s Reflections on God, Earthquake

Re: “Quake a Sign of God’s Wrath, Clergy Say No,” by Times Religion Writer Larry Stammer (Jan. 24):

When Mr. Stammer asked his question, “Is the quake a sign from God?” Cardinal Roger Mahony is quoted as responding “God does not deal with us like that.” Surely this answer is incomplete at best.

It would seem if our behavior is of interest to God and invites a response, we’d better take time out to wonder how we’re doing, since no one would call an earthquake a blessing. Few would deny our society is amid a nightmare of civil disobedience; traditional whole families are icons of a past era. And the church is plagued by reports that 20% of priests live in apostasy. Without even the mention of sexual misconduct among our religious leaders, there is plenty to have earned us a good shaking.



Beverly Hills

Editor’s note: The quotation in the news story was excerpted from a 2 1/2-page reflection issued by Cardinal Mahony in which he took note of human and societal failings, but said that God did not have a “grudge” with Southern California. Mahony did say that the quake could serve as a “wake-up call” for individuals to consider again what is most important in their lives and to bring people of all backgrounds together.


Re: Jeff Douthwaite’s letter about God and quakes (Jan. 29):

If Mr. Douthwaite feels that the events of Jan. 17 can be adequately described, explained, expressed by the good folks at Caltech, then good for him.

If, however, millions of Protestants, Catholics, Jews and Muslims believe in a God who controls and manipulates nature for the good of humanity, it is our prerogative.



Los Angeles
