
MANHATTAN BEACH : Video Lesson on Ecosystems

Students from Southern California and New England met through video hookup Tuesday as part of a coast-to-coast field trip comparing the areas’ ecosystems.

During a live broadcast from Manhattan Beach- and Boston-area schools, the students examined shells and specimens collected from their coasts and compared them with the items shown across the country.

Items from the West Coast included abalone shell, starfish, the California cowrie and the purple sea urchin. Items from the East Coast were lobster claws, skate egg cases, dried kelp and barnacles.


The event was sponsored by TEAMS Science, a national learning project in its fourth year. The group’s goal is to improve literacy in mathematics and science through the use of technology.

Gary Widdison, TEAMS science studio teacher, and Paul Erickson of the New England Aquarium in Boston were hosts of the program.
