
THOUSAND OAKS : Man Cut, Car Bashed in Gang Assault

Sheriff’s deputies are investigating a gang-related attack in which a 19-year-old Thousand Oaks man was cut slightly with a knife while his car was bashed with baseball bats and sticks, authorities said.

Sgt. Mike De Los Santos said the attack, which occurred just before 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, appeared to be connected to two earlier incidents of gang violence: a similar car vandalism on a residential street April 1 and the shooting of a 17-year-old male on Easter during a dispute involving gang members.

Wednesday’s incident occurred as Kevin Thompson stopped his car at the intersection of East Hillcrest Drive and Hodencamp Road. Thompson told deputies he noticed a tan car idling next to his, then heard something strike his vehicle. When he looked back, he saw a youth holding an aluminum baseball bat and yelling gang slogans, deputies said.


After getting out of his car, Thompson spotted two more carloads of 12 to 15 teen-agers who began yelling gang slogans and smashing his car with baseball bats and sticks, causing $2,000 in damage, deputies said.

Several suspects also approached Thompson yelling profanities, including 18-year-old Farzad (Steve) Soodavar who allegedly threatened Thompson with a knife, authorities said. Soodavar then allegedly threw the knife at Thompson, hitting him in the arm and cutting him slightly, authorities said.

Soodavar was later arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon and booked into jail at the East Valley Sheriff’s Station in Thousand Oaks. He was being held in lieu of $5,000 bail.


More arrests stemming from the three incidents are possible, De Los Santos said.

Investigators said they do not believe Thompson is a gang member, but that he knew the suspects from earlier encounters.

“During this incident, Thompson was basically driving down the street minding his own business,” said De Los Santos.
