
Reader Says, ‘Forget It’ to Ticket Prices

Holy price-gouging, Batman!

When I read that tickets for Barbra Streisand’s concerts at the Anaheim Pond were starting at $50 and going as high as $350, I felt sick to my stomach (“Tickets for Streisand Dates in O.C. Go on Sale Sunday,” March 23). I mean, come on, we’re talking about a simple concert, not the Second Coming. Granted, Babs’ concert tour is a big event, and I was looking forward to seeing one of her shows at the Pond. However, at those prices, forget it.

Concert promoters are on the supply side of a supply-and-demand business, and they hold the cards when it comes to the prices for concert tickets. That, however, doesn’t give them the right to price the average concert-goer right out of the market. All I have to say to them is thanks for nothing.


