
Desmarais’ Dismissal

Regarding “Laguna Art Museum Dismisses Director” (March 30):

As a past president of the Affiliates of the Laguna Art Museum, a longtime member, contributor and volunteer, I was interested in the recent events. Certainly, over the years, the museum’s board of trustees has been made up of outstanding community leaders who have given freely of their time and financial backing. This year’s board is no exception; and the (gratis) time, expertise and interest they have given cannot be measured in dollars.

Despite (museum director Charles) Desmarais’ accomplishments, there has been serious attrition of volunteers. A museum’s viable growth depends equally on the enthusiastic endorsement and support of its members and volunteers--Mr. Desmarais did not appreciate, encourage or honor volunteers’ efforts.

During Mr. Desmarais’ tenure, funds have been raised. However, there were already in place endowments and commitments. Despite the rather continual turnover of personnel, Mr. Desmarais has enjoyed excellent curatorial and staff help with regard to the exhibitions.


The Laguna Art Museum is a great asset to Laguna Beach and surrounding communities and will continue to grow--with the right direction. In the meantime, I wish Mr. Desmarais success in his chosen field.


Monarch Beach

Your reporting on the recent dismissal of Laguna Art Museum’s director has properly emphasized the growth and achievement of the institution during his tenure but has somehow created the impression that this was all the work of a single person rather than the collaborative effort of a very capable board and staff.

It was the board that set the tone of wanting to put the institution on the map in artistic circles when curator Bolton Colburn and then-director Charles Desmarais were hired in 1988. A show in 1989 that Colburn had planned before Desmarais joined the institution was the one that attracted my wife and me to become passionate supporters of the museum. And the board clearly has continued to provide the support essential for the institution to make this move to the cutting edge of contemporary art.


The continuing staff has received little attention in your recent articles, just as it was overlooked when you interviewed Desmarais about the “Kustom Kulture” show (“Car Art Stops Traffic at Laguna Museum,” Nov. 5)--it seemed inappropriate at that time that you did not even mention Colburn, who had first conceived of bringing in artist/curator Craig Stecyk for this exhibition and then was the co-curator with him.

“Kustom Kulture” went on to become the most popular show in the museum’s history, and it is the depth and talent of all the staff that has made this kind of show possible.

My wife and I were not privy to the decisions that brought on the present situation, but, given the intelligence, energy and support that the board has provided over the last five years, it is hard to believe that it has acted now as capriciously as the newspaper accounts seem to imply.


We do not feel that the prospects of the institution are diminished by the board’s willingness to make difficult management decisions, and both my wife and I are looking forward to continuing our enthusiastic support for the museum.



I have been a member of many museums in Southern California throughout the years. I am currently a new member of the Laguna Art Museum.

Every museum has gone through a certain amount of change and turmoil, but they have always emerged stronger and better.

I feel confident that Laguna Art Museum will have a bright and exciting future.


Newport Beach
