
Nurses’ Union Seeks to Halt Pay Package

Ventura County nurses will ask a judge Monday to stop the county from imposing a new pay and benefits package, even as the county goes to court to stop the nurses from striking.

The California Nurses Assn., charging the county Health Care Agency with “breaching their duty to bargain,” filed a motion Friday for a temporary restraining order. Such an order would keep the county from implementing a compensation package on nurses at the Ventura County Medical Center. The package could cut some nurses’ salaries by 9.3% and give administrators greater latitude in layoffs.

The county Board of Supervisors voted 4 to 1 Tuesday to impose the package after health officials declared contract negotiations at an impasse.


The nurses’ union has already voted to authorize a strike, but has said it would only do so as a last resort. Superior Court Judge Edwin M. Osborne issued a temporary order two weeks ago requiring many of the nurses to provide at least 72 hours notice before striking.

He will consider a permanent restriction Monday.
