
Bill Would Make Parents Liable if Children Bring Guns to School

Times Staff Writer

A key Assembly committee has narrowly approved legislation to make parents subject to criminal prosecution if a child under the age of 18 removes a gun from the home and takes it to school.

A 5-3 vote, the minimum required for approval, sent the bill (AB 2517) by Assemblyman Tom Umberg (D-Garden Grove) from the Public Safety Committee to the Ways and Means Committee for additional screening.

Umberg said that 1990 national statistics, the most recent available, showed that children and guns were involved in 2,874 murders, 1,476 suicides and 541 accidental shootings.


“I am tired of the almost daily litany of children being maimed or killed by gunfire, in shootings and accidents that could have been prevented if all gun owners stored their firearms safely,” the Democratic candidate for attorney general said.


Floor Action

* Offshore Oil Drilling: Passed and sent to the Senate on a 41-25 vote a bill (AB 2444) by Assemblyman Jack O’Connell (D-Carpinteria) banning new offshore oil drilling in all state waters within three miles of the coast.

* Pornography: Passed and sent to the governor on a 57-2 vote a bill (AB 17) by Sen. Steve Peace (D-Bonita) making it a misdemeanor to sell pornography in a news rack unless it is supervised by an adult or in an area not frequented by children.


Committee Action

* Price Discrimination: The Consumer Protection Committee approved a bill (AB 2418) by Assemblywoman Jackie Speier (D-Burlingame) prohibiting merchants from charging more for goods or services solely on the basis of a person’s sex. An 8-5 vote sent the bill to the Ways and Means Committee.

* Female Employees: The Labor Committee approved a bill (AB 3672) by Assemblywoman Diane Martinez (D-Rosemead) prohibiting employers from requiring female employees to wear skirts or dresses. A 6-3 vote sent the bill to the Ways and Means Committee.

* Ticket Brokers: The Consumer Protection Committee reversed itself and approved a bill (AB 2513) by Assemblywoman Debra Bowen (D-Marina del Rey) increasing penalties for ticket brokers who fail to deliver tickets at agreed prices for such events as the Rose Bowl football game and rock concerts. A 7-4 vote sent the bill to the Ways and Means Committee.



Floor Action

* Gubernatorial Appointment: Confirmed on a 35-1 vote the appointment of former Republican state Sen. Marz Garcia of Menlo Park to be a member of the state Public Employment Relations Board, a job that pays $88,056 a year.

Committee Action

* Gang Clothing: The Education Committee approved a bill (SB 1269) by Sen. Phil Wyman (R-Tehachapi) allowing school districts to prohibit students from wearing gang-related clothing and to adopt dress codes calling for the wearing of school uniforms if parents approve of such a move. A 5-0 vote sent the bill to the Senate floor.

* Firearm Licenses: The Judiciary Committee approved a pair of bills (SB 1275 and SB 1276) by Sen. Gary K. Hart (D-Santa Barbara) requiring state licenses to buy handguns and bullets for them. Both measures were approved on 6-4 votes and moved to the Appropriations Committee.

(Readers who wish to communicate with legislators regarding Assembly or Senate bills can write to them at the State Capitol Building, Sacramento, 95814)
