
Two Teens in Van Arrested After 3-County Chase

Two youths who apparently tried to steal a minivan were arrested after leading police on a chase across three counties and finally crashing the vehicle in Anaheim early Saturday, authorities said.

Police officers first tried to stop the driver of the minivan in Riverside County about 3 a.m. Officers pursued the teen-agers into San Bernardino County and back to Riverside before they sped west to Anaheim, where Anaheim police officers assisted in the chase.

The youths drove as fast as 90 m.p.h. on city streets, Anaheim Police Sgt. Mike Zigmund said. They allegedly tried to ram Anaheim police cars twice before crashing near State College Boulevard and the Riverside Freeway.


When the youths got out of the van and ran, officers began a short pursuit. Both teen-agers were caught and arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon--a vehicle--and evading police officers.

One of the youths had a bloodied lip, which police attributed to the crash. Because both are juveniles, their names were not released.

Officers are not sure why the youths fled from police, but the van’s ignition area appeared to be damaged, leading authorities to believe the van was stolen. However, its owner has not yet reported it missing.
