
A summary of selected City Hall actions last week that affect the Westside.


* WESTWOOD FARMERS MARKET--Approved a motion establishing a Westwood Village Certified Farmers Market that will offer produce, baked goods and flowers on the streets of the Village every Thursday. Beginning June 2, the following streets will be closed on Thursdays from 1 to 9 p.m. to accommodate the market: Weyburn Avenue between Westwood Boulevard and Tiverton Avenue; Glendon Avenue between Kinross and Weyburn avenues.

* VENICE CANALS--Approved a motion authorizing the transfer of $100,000 from the Bureau of Street Maintenance to the Bureau of Engineering for hiring a contractor to replace or repair the gates that control the flow of water into and through the Venice Canals. The contractor would also be responsible for maintenance of the waterways and the adjacent vegetation, as well as litter removal.

* NAME CHANGE--Approved changing the name of the stretch of Hudson Avenue between Hollywood and Sunset boulevards to Schrader Boulevard in honor of Municipal Court Judge Rand Schrader, an activist in the gay community who died of AIDS last year. Councilwoman Jackie Goldberg described Schrader as a major influence on her decision to enter public service.



* POLICE RECRUITMENT--Approved a motion to change the Police Department’s annual hiring goal for women to 43% from 30% of all new hires. The motion also calls for a transfer of $250,000 from the Police Department to the city Personnel Department to increase female recruitment activities. Currently, women make up 15% of the police force. Passed 15-0. Voting yes: John Ferraro, Marvin Braude, Zev Yaroslavsky, Ruth Galanter, Mark Ridley-Thomas, Nate Holden and Goldberg.
