
Hoover High Still a Great School

* Recent events and pessimistic propaganda to which Glendale’s Hoover High School has been subjected to have given the prestigious institution a disreputable image before the community.

ACT UP/LA’s demonstration in front of the school was not only unnecessary and unsolicited, but also highly disruptive. The reading material that accompanied the contraceptives contained obscene, vulgar and almost pornographic literature not suitable for civilized people of any age. This junk was later found littered throughout the school’s campus. Visitors will see this material fixed on windows, walls and lockers.

Who will compensate the school for the time and money that will be employed to the renovation of our once-immaculate campus? It will certainly not be the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power.


The racial tensions that have been noticeable between Latino and Armenian gangs reached a new climax days after ACT UP/LA’s demonstration. Although these events were not related, they did serve a similar objective: Stain Hoover’s image. A local television channel (KABC 7) reported gunshots on the brawl scene, when in fact none were fired. Guns were not even anywhere on the scene, but in order to make the report interesting, misinforming facts were thrown in.

Hoover High is a superior learning institution, the envy of many national school districts. We have a minimal dropout/truancy rate, excellent administrators/teachers, prestigious clubs and no crime. Students attending Hoover did not participate in either of the two disturbances, a fact that will serve as reassurance to the community. Hoover is still the prestigious institution it has always been. Nothing has changed or is expected to change.



Garcia is president of the Hoover High School Spanish Club.
