
$15,000 a Bargain for Poet Angelou

* Thanks to all those at CSUN for bringing poet Maya Angelou to the “epicenter” to speak on March 17.

While the university has been criticized for spending $15,000 for this remarkable woman’s time (Letters, March 21), I contend that $15,00 was a bargain. But then I was there.

I was there with my 10-year-old daughter, a dear friend and a capacity crowd as Ms. Angelou performed CPR on our collective soul, offering us hope and strength and love and laughter. And while it is true that she never once mentioned the value of a dollar, Ms. Angelou held us spellbound as she reminded us of the value of the human spirit. No money was raised, only consciousness.


Fifteen thousand dollars for Maya Angelou? Ask anyone who was there--it was a bargain.


West Hills
