
Woman Struck by Police Baton Asks $1.5 Million

A Los Angeles city jail supervisor’s lawyer Monday asked a jury to award the woman $1.5 million in damages for a confrontation outside police headquarters in which an officer hit her with a baton.

“Who initiated this confrontation? Who refused to accept a reasonable explanation of who she was? Who initiated physical contact?” attorney Charles Mazursky said in his closing argument.

Mazursky represents Jennifer Jones, 43, who was stopped by two Los Angeles police officers as she was going to work at Parker Center on Aug. 9, 1991.


Officers Michael Daly and John Puis, who were bringing a suspect into the jail for booking, saw Jones rushing across the parking lot without a purse and became suspicious.

Daly challenged her and the confrontation escalated, ending with Jones handcuffed after Puis delivered a single baton blow to her legs. Daly suffered a scratch on his forehead by Jones’ key ring.

At issue in the case is whether the officers acted reasonably and, if the jury finds they did not, how much Jones should receive in damages.
