
LOS PADRES FOREST : Vehicles Restricted at 3 Campgrounds

Alarmed by the damage done to sensitive and endangered wildlife, the U. S. Forest Service has restricted the use of cars and camping vehicles at three campgrounds in the mountains beyond Ojai and Piru.

The vehicles are literally running over several species of native creatures that flourish in the streams and woodlands of Los Padres National Forest. National forest officials say they have seen a noticeable decline in populations of the western pond turtle, red-legged frog, arroyo toad and two-striped garter snake, all candidates to be listed as endangered species.

“If we didn’t close the area to vehicles, chances are (the California Department of) Fish and Game would have us shut down the entire campground,” said Leslie Jehnings, recreational planner for the Ojai Ranger District.


Rangers have banned vehicles until Oct. 1 from Beaver Campground off California 33 and Blue Point Campground above Lake Piru. Hikers and cyclists can still use the campsites.

Another 12 campsites at Lion Campground near Rose Valley will also be converted from drive-in to walk-in sites. In addition, rangers plan to mark wildlife habitats and key streams with bilingual signs in the sensitive areas, Jehnings said.
