
VENTURA : City Police Tow Cars With Unpaid Tickets

In the first day of a crackdown on parking scofflaws, Ventura police on Tuesday towed eight cars with unpaid tickets.

The eight cars all had five or more unpaid parking tickets worth a total of $8,665, said Ventura Police Lt. Steve Bowman. Another four car owners paid about $2,000 on the spot to prevent their vehicles from being towed, Bowman said.

The new initiative--known as the Delinquent Repeat Offender Program--targets cars that have five or more unpaid parking tickets.


“There’ll be more tows,” Bowman said. “This will be done on a sporadic basis.”

As of April 30, the city had 155 vehicles with five or more unpaid parking tickets, for a total of more than $94,000 in fines owed, police said.

Each offender received repeated notices, police said, plus a warning letter.

Police plan to hold the cars until payments are received. If owners do not pay up and claim the vehicles, they will be sold by one of the city’s three tow companies.
