
BASEBALL / DAILY REPORT : AROUND THE MAJORS : Thrown Bottle Sidelines Mitchell

Associated Press

Kevin Mitchell was out of the Cincinnati Reds’ lineup Saturday after reportedly being hit in the right eye by a bottle thrown at a night spot.

Mitchell stayed in the trainer’s room before a game against Colorado. Manager Davey Johnson said Mitchell had blurry vision, but that the injury isn’t serious.

Mitchell told Johnson and General Manager Jim Bowden he was at a restaurant/bar on the Ohio River with several of the Rockies after their game Friday night when a woman threw a bottle at someone else and hit him instead.


“All of a sudden a bottle came flying and hit him in the eye,” Bowden said. “He’s got a gash above the right eye and swelling below it.

“There was no altercation, from what we’ve been told. The bottle was not directed at him.”

Mitchell didn’t go to the hospital and didn’t press charges against the woman, Bowden said.
