
Readers Recommend

Idaho--Michael Ban, Aliso Viejo: “Berry Patch Inn, N. 1150 Four Winds Road., Coeur d’Alene, 83814; tel. (208) 765-4994. A quiet and beautiful mountain chalet. Ample low-fat breakfasts served.” Rates: $85-$125 per room, per night.

Ireland--Mary Hendrick, West Covina: “Doherty House, 17 Main St., Randalstown, County Antrim, BT41 3AB; tel. 011-44- 8494-72242. A secluded two-bedroom mews cottage facing a garden in a small friendly village.” Rates: about $312 a week.

New Zealand--Julian Granirer, La Jolla: “Pohuenui Island Sheep Station and Lodge, Pohuenui Island, P.B. Havelock, Marlborough Sounds; tel. 011-64-3-579-8161; fax 011-64-3-579-8361. A working sheep station and lodge. A sea-kayaking paradise. Accessible by water taxi or float plane from Wellington.” Daily rates: $95 per person, inclusive.


Send recommendations, to Travel Section, The Times, Times Mirror Square, L.A. 90053.
