
My Best Shot

Your vision of Venice may not look like this, but this moment of peace captivated Allen S. Taylor of Diamond Bar, who was in Italy’s famed city of canals in 1984. “On a hot afternoon in August,” he wrote, “my wife and I shared with the gondolier that belief that even romance would profit from a cool moment in the shade.”

* Do you have a terrific travel photo? Send a color print or slide to: “My Best Shot,” Travel Section, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, Calif. 90053. Tell us when and where you took it and include your name, address and telephone number. Photos must be crisply focused and have sharp contrasts. Flat pictures won’t reproduce well. Photos can be returned only if you enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope. The Times may hold photographs for several months and cannot be responsible for lost pictures. One picture per reader.
