
Courts Clogged by Invitation to Sue

Robin Abcarian’s column June 1 (“Why Pick on Larry Parker?”) highlights AB-3659 now making its way through the California State Assembly.

This bill would help curtail wholesale solicitation of lawsuits by television attorneys such as Larry Parker and others of his ilk.

Abcarian seems to think there is really nothing wrong with these TV commercials--unless you can “show” her “the little guy or gal who has been hurt.”


Well, in addition to the damage done to our many reputable attorneys (why do you think lawyers have acquired such a bad name the past few years?), these TV invitations to sue someone have clogged up our courts to the point where legitimate lawsuits are delayed interminably, judges’ and jurors’ time is ill-spent, and our insurance rates continue to skyrocket.


Los Angeles


Why pick on Larry Parker? I’ll tell you why. Because his loathsome commercials are an exhortation to the worst instincts in society--the “let’s steal from the system” mentality that is bankrupting our public and private institutions.

Our courts are clogged and our insurance rates astronomical in no small measure because Robin Abcarian’s “little guy and gal” are suing everyone in sight on the most specious if not thoroughly fraudulent grounds.


Take that guy in the commercial who sits grinning on his motorcycle, telling us, “Larry Parker got me $2.5 million . . . and, man, am I enjoying it.” What happened to him that was worth more than he likely would have made in three lifetimes and left him whole enough to enjoy it?

And guess who’s paying for it all. You asked who was being hurt? Take a look at your own insurance and tax bills, Robin. And find someone more worthy to bleed for.


Los Angeles
