
LONG BEACH : Yellow Street Lamps No Longer in a Good Light

The distinctive yellow street lamps that have lined city streets since 1978 may soon be a fading memory.

The low-pressure sodium lights, which cast a dim, amber hue, have fallen out of favor. When the system was installed, city officials believed the softer lights would help reduce street crime. However, residents have complained that the yellow light actually makes it more difficult for witnesses to identify suspects and vehicles, City Manager James C. Hankla said.

But the city would have to spend $25 million to $30 million to replace the lighting system with high-pressure sodium, or white lights, Hankla added.


The City Council last week referred the issue to its committee on traffic and infrastructure. A full report from the city manager’s office, detailing costs of the changeover and suggestions for paying the bill, is due within six weeks. The city would probably have to create a series of assessment districts to pay for new lights, Hankla said.
