
‘Moon Over Madness’

In his review of “Moon Over Madness” (“ ‘Moon’ Aims High, but It’s Not Quite a Cirque Thing,” June 20), Don Shirley neglected to tell readers that the show received a standing ovation. What does that tell you? The show is fun, funny, full of surprises, full of heart and wonderful to look at.

This could be the beginning of something marvelous for our city. This is a show created by and for Angelenos. It is clowns, dancers, mimes, musicians, puppeteers, jugglers and gymnasts creating something new. It is uniquely Angeleno in its vision and sensibilities.

People in the cast hope to create a new “Moon Over Madness” each year. The collaboration of artists from many disciplines could continue. The show could visit other cities, presenting a vibrant, creative aspect of Los Angeles.


I cannot claim to be objective. I helped the cast finish building the show in the week before it opened. So, don’t listen to me. Listen to the 2,000 people who stood up and cheered, then come see this show when it returns to the John Anson Ford Amphitheatre.


Los Angeles
