
WWII Veteran Tells His Story of War and Peace : Author writes about bombing missions over Europe and his adventures as a civilian.


Lt. Col. Charles (Combat) Hudson flew B-17 Flying Fortresses on deadly bombing missions over Europe that took more American lives than any other World War II aerial action. The all-volunteer crews died by the thousands.

Hudson survived to come home as the most highly decorated bombardier in history. His exploits during the war and dangerous, exotic adventures as a civilian are all documented in “Combat He Wrote,” co-authored with Ross Olney of Ventura.

A radio and television commentator, and author of more than 170 nonfiction books, Olney also flew combat missions in Korea. He founded the Southern California chapter of the American Society of Journalists & Authors and lectures on the writing business. Hudson was for many years a restaurant owner and golf professional in Oxnard and Ventura.


The book is available at bookstores or can be ordered from Airborne Publishing. Call (800) 440-8445.


Andrew Ryan, a philosopher / psychologist, has written a book attacking some of the myths about romance and relationships. In his “The Real Romantic Marketplace: Know Good Women?” the Thousand Oaks resident says the relationship gurus have sold millions of books based on pro-female propaganda and male-bashing themes. Ryan admits that he’s out on a politically precarious limb in his attempt to put the blame on she instead of he in “Romantic Marketplace.”


President Clinton, members of both houses of Congress, medical professionals and just plain citizens are facing off over what to do about health insurance. In “Medical Cost Crisis! A Solution Before It’s Too Late,” Dr. Donald G. Lindsay, who has practiced in Ventura for 30 years, offers his plan for everyone for quality medical care that preserves choice. The book is available through Tonal Press, Box 3233, Ventura 93003, or Publishers Distribution Service at (800) 345-0096.



Among the many activities Friends of the Thousand Oaks Library support is a Friendly Book Discussion group. They will gather at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday to talk about Edith Wharton’s “The House of Mirth” at the Goebel Senior Center on Janss Road (next to the Thousand Oaks Library). Adrienne Nater will lead the discussion. Call 499-9076.

Reminder: You have until July 30 to enter the Dorothy Daniels writing competition sponsored by Simi Valley Pen Women. Cash awards will go to the best short fiction up to 2,000 words; poetry, no more than 50 lines; nonfiction up to 1,500 words. Send for guidelines to NLAPW-SVB, P.O. Box 1485, Simi Valley 93062.


The literary journal Verve seeks poetry and short fiction on the theme “Letting Go” for its fall edition. Deadline is Aug. 1. Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope for guidelines to P.O. Box 3205, Simi Valley 93063.
