
BREA : Firefighters Offer Group Tours, Visits

Scheduled group tours and twice-monthly drop-in visits are being offered at Fire Department facilities, the department’s Anna Cave said.

Clubs and other organizations can schedule tours of Station 1 at 555 N. Berry St. and Station 3 at 400 N. Kraemer Blvd. by calling the department at (714) 990-7622.

Drop-in visits at Station 3 may be made from 9 to 11 a.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 13. Visits will be available during the same times on Aug. 25, Sept. 20 and 24, Oct. 21 and 29, Nov. 6 and 18, and Dec. 11 and 16.


Drop-in visits on other dates may be permitted by the captain on duty if there is no conflict with training or inspection duties by the firefighters.
