
Demise of the Left

I completely agree with Alexander Cockburn’s Column Left, “Where’s the Left’s Reply to Limbaugh?” (July 14). The answer seems obvious enough: There is no left left. The many years of reactionary bleating about the so-called liberal press (who could they possibly mean?), the abject surrender of all our democratic principles in the mad stampede to cash in on Reagan’s “feast now, let your children pay for it,” the current Administration’s masquerade as representatives of the Democrat Party--all these have, as Cockburn points out, put Rush Limbaugh in the position of merely offering mean gossip about the White House, ignoring substantive issues.

Is there really no energized radical spokesman who can counteract these poisonous appeals to the prejudices of the public and tell it like it is: that we are dangerously close to becoming an oligarchy, a country run by the wealthy elite Establishment for the wealthy white Establishment.


Laguna Hills
