
Spanking Should Be Un-American

The answer to your question “To Spank or Not to Spank?” (Aug. 10) is an unequivocal not to spank.

How ludicrous and insensitive for anyone to suggest that hitting a child of any age is part of being “reasonably disciplined.” Spanking is hitting. Remember, there was a time when it was “reasonable” to hit your wife and your slave.

It is interesting that there are still people around who want to hide behind our Constitution to allow parents to be violent with their children. It is noted in the article that the U.S. Constitution protects our “privacy interests and liberty interests.” Let me remind those who use this argument that children are people also and are entitled to their privacy and liberty.

The time has come for the United States of America to join the other countries that have decided to make spanking and humiliation unacceptable and illegal behavior for parents and teachers everywhere.



La Palma
