
Heavy Traffic : How Crowded Is Your Freeway Commute? Take a Look.

Although the San Fernando Valley area contains 19.87%, or 105 miles, of Los Angeles County’s 527-mile freeway network, it boasts a slightly higher proportion of overall traffic in the county--20.25%.

Each year, motorists rack up a whopping 6.4 billion miles on Valley-area freeways. That’s 17.5 million miles--or the equivalent of 37 round trips between the Earth and the moon--every day.

More than one-quarter of those miles are logged on the 101 Freeway, the Valley’s busiest. Between the Barham Boulevard and Valley Circle Boulevard exits, an average 258,000 vehicles travel daily, nearly the same number of vehicles in all of the African nation of Kenya.


The least burdened freeway, the 210, supports only 79,000 vehicles a day.

In the Fast Lane

Drivers on Valley freeways rack up more than 6 billion miles per year--about 20% of the 31 billion traveled countywide.

Route Length Vehicle miles/yr. 101 18.14 miles 1.7 billion 5 21.24 miles 1.5 billion 405 11.61 miles 828 million 118 12.28 miles 619 million 134 8.26 miles 601 million 210 18.88 miles 544 million 170 6.05 miles 301 million 2 8.29 miles 291 million TOTAL 104.75 miles 6.4 billion

Source: Caltrans; Research by HENRY CHU / Los Angeles Times
