
Union Endorses 3 for College Board

The union representing instructors at Ventura County’s three community colleges has announced its endorsements for the November election.

The local chapter of the American Federation of Teachers is recommending that its members support two challengers and an unopposed incumbent for the governing board of the Ventura County Community College District.

In Area 1, where appointed incumbent Karen M. Boone is facing challengers John Tallman and Jim Hibbs, the union supports Tallman, a former teacher and administrator at Ventura College. The seat represents the Ventura area on the board.


“We went with John because we know that he knows a lot about the district,” said chapter President Barbara Hoffman. “He was a faculty member at Ventura College at one time. He’s committed to the college and is interested in some of the same things we are.”

In Area 2, where incumbent Gregory Cole has chosen not to seek reelection, the union has endorsed psychologist Donald W. Kingdon, who is facing Annette Broersman, Norman J. Nagel, Joseph Richey and Donald E. Stevens on the Nov. 8 ballot.

“We really feel Don’s the best of a couple of good people,” Hoffman said. “He’s real bright and he has a real sense of the district being part of the community.”


The union also endorsed incumbent Pete Tafoya, who is running unopposed in Area 5, representing South Oxnard and Port Hueneme.

Hoffman said a committee of union members made recommendations to the executive board after interviewing each candidate. The executive board then adopted the committee’s recommendations.
